Since 1865, we have been educating young learners in Dunedin.

Nau mai. Haere mai.
Welcome to Mornington School.

Our vision

Our vision is that our children grow and develop to be “confident, resilient, healthy, thinkers”. This is encapsulated in our mission statement “Noho Tahi Ako Tahi -Together We Live & Learn”.

We will help all children achieve to the best of their ability and according to their learning needs.

We will provide the means for achievement across a balanced range of curriculum learning contexts and activities, within a caring, secure learning environment.

Quality of teaching

Our students enjoy quality teaching programmes that build resiliency through an emphasis upon “learning to learn”.   Our modern curriculum ensures children have the opportunity to do their best and enjoy success all within a caring, friendly, family-orientated environment.

Health and well-being is nurtured and encouraged through sporting and cultural opportunities. Thinking and learning within an ultra-fast, digitally-rich environment enables Mornington students to access the world and personalise their learning. Our unique architecturally designed buildings foster learning in a unique, bright and modern learning environment.

Our staff

Our teachers know their students and tailor programmes to fit the needs of each child. We have excellent support programmes for children who require extra assistance and extension programmes and passion projects to extend more able students.

The rich cultural diversity of our school community is reflected in our strong English Language Learners programme.

The Principal, Staff, Board of Trustees and Parent Teacher Association work together for the benefit of our children. This is clearly evident in our recent ERO report. Please click here to read it.


34 Elgin Road

Ph: 03 453 6794
Fax: 03 453 6148
