If your child is turning five soon and you would like a tour of our school, please contact us.
We have spaces for Out of Zone Enrolments
The Board has determined there will be places available for out of zone students seeking enrolment. Our principal, Carmel Jolly, would love to show you around our fantastic school.
For more info email office@mornington.school.nz.
How do I enrol our child?
If you have not already been in to visit the school, visit our office where you can meet Ms Elly Lang, our administration officer. Then meet our Principal, Mrs Carmel Jolly, who will answer any questions you have and take you on a school tour. You will get to meet our Deputy Principal, Mr Ross Tucker, and Mrs Sarah McKeich, our specialist New Entrant teachers. You will be able to see classes in action.
Our new entrants staff will help with your enrolment process.
Ross Tucker
Deputy Principal
New Entrants
Sarah McKeich
New Entrants
Hannah Scott
New Entrants
Enrolment zone and guidelines
Home zone
All students who live within the home zone described below (and shown on the map above) shall be entitled to enrol at the school.
The home zone includes both sides of the road, unless specified:
· From the corner of Kaikorai Valley Road and Barr Street to the corner of Kaikorai Valley Road and Stone Street (east side of Kaikorai Valley Road only);
· Along Stone Street to Kenmure Road, including Pitcairn Street and Mataora Road;
· Left along Kenmure Road to Bellevue Street, including Carnarvon Street and 1 and 2 Michie Street;
· Along Alison Crescent and into Harcourt Street along to Preston Crescent;
· Left along Preston Crescent to Queens Drive;
· Right along Queens Drive to Eglinton Road (crossing Hawthorn Ave and High Street)
· Left along Eglinton Road to South Road
· Right along South Road to Leckhampton Crescent;
· Along Leckhampton Crescent, into Maryhill Terrace to Elgin Road;
· Right along Elgin Road to Bernard Street;
· Left along Bernard Street to Kenmure Road;
· Left along Kenmure Road to the corner of Kaikorai Valley Road and Barr Street.
Note: Proof of residence within the home zone will be required.
Out of zone enrolments
Each year the board will determine the number of places which are likely to be available in the following year for the enrolment of students who live outside the home zone. The board will publish this information by notice in a daily or community newspaper circulating in the area served by the school. The notice will indicate how applications are to be made and will specify a date by which all applications must be received.
Applications for enrolment will be processed in the following order of priority:
First Priority: This priority category is not applicable at this school because the school does not run a special programme approved by the Secretary.*
Second priority must be given to applicants who are siblings of current students.
Third priority must be given to applicants who are siblings of former students.
Fourth priority must be given to any applicant who is a child of a former student of the school.
Fifth priority must be given to any applicant who is either a child of an employee of the board of the school or a child of a member of the board of the school.
Sixth priority must be given to all other applicants.
If there are more applicants in the second, third, fourth, or fifth priority groups than there are places available, selection within the priority group will be by a ballot conducted in accordance with instructions issued by the Secretary under Section 11G(1) of the Education Act 1989. Parents will be informed of the date of any ballot by notice in a daily or community newspaper circulating in the area served by the school. Applicants seeking second or third priority status may be required to give proof of a sibling relationship.
Application for enrolment
Please complete this application form for your child’s enrolment at Mornington School, and click Submit.